A§E®: Auditory Speech Sounds Evaluation

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EC-7FP-AAL SHIEC 2013-6-065 

Abstract (see video below)


The eargroup has invested since many years in the psychoacoustic assessment of the auditory capacities of hearing impaired persons.  In close collaboration with the software company Otoconsult, several tests had to be developed to bridge the gap between the lab and the clinic.  These tests, together with common tests like speech audiometry, have been assembled in one software application A§E.  To date A§E has become an indispensable tool in many CI centres worldwide, both for the selection and the fitting of cochlear implant recipients.  More and more it is also being used in hearing aid users.



The Auditory Speech Sound Evaluation (A§E ®) is a psycho-acoustic test suite with supraliminal auditory tests. It is conceived to test children and adults with hearing problems and aided with a conventional hearing aid or cochlear implant. It is speech- and language independent allowing analytical assessment of the supraliminal auditory capacity. A§E has been completely and thoroughly refurbished! A§E 2009 is available now with enhanced ease of use, more modules, a results database and a powerful module to create your own tests. The full description and a trial version are available at Otoconsult. A§E 2009 can be purchased online from CI shop. Watch this video to understand the concept underlying the A§E.  Many more videos are available on Otoconsult's site.





A§E - Otocube - Audiqueen - Accolado - FOX

De oorgroep is actief betrokken bij de R&D van Otoconsult. Het gaat om onderzoek en ontwikkeling van medische software en hardware. Zo werkt de oorgroep actief mee aan de wereldwijde kwaliteitsverbetering van de klinische otologie en audiologie.

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Cochleaire Implantatie

De oorgroep is internationaal leidinggevend in cochleaire implantatie, cochleaire en andere oorimplantaten. Selectie, implantatie, afregeling van het 'cochleair implantaat', research en ontwikkeling. Maak gerust een afspraak voor al uw vragen.

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